how to make money by selling e products


Make Money Online by Selling (E-Products)!

Ever thought of turning your hobbies or skills into cash? Selling digital stuff, or "e-products," is a great way to do it! They're easy to sell again and again, so you can make money without having to keep boxes full of things in your house.

What kind of e-products can you sell?

Think about what you're good at. Do you love baking yummy cookies? Write an e-cookbook with your special recipes! Are you a photo pro? Make an e-guide on how to take amazing pictures.

Here are some popular e-product ideas:

  • E-books: 

  • Like regular books, but on a computer or phone! They can be about anything you know about.

  • Online Courses: 

  • Teach people your skills step-by-step with videos, quizzes, and assignments.

  • Printables:

  • Make planners, checklists, or fun worksheets that people can download and use.

  • Apps or Software:

  • If you're a techie, create downloadable programs or phone apps.
  • Digital Art: 

  • Sell cool illustrations, photos, or graphic designs that people can use on their computers.

How do you make and sell your e-product?

Once you have an idea, make sure there are people who want to buy it. Search online to see if others are selling similar things.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Make it Great: Your e-product should be easy to understand, interesting to look at, and well-organized.
  • Look Nice: Even if it's mostly words, use good pictures and make it look professional.
  • Easy Download: Make sure people can download your e-product on their computers or phones.

How do people find your e-product?

There are websites where you can sell your e-products directly. Here are a few:

  • Online Stores: Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce let you set up a shop to sell digital stuff.
  • Course Platforms: Thinkific and Kajabi help you make online courses and manage memberships.
  • Marketplaces: Sell your e-books and printables on Etsy or Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

How do you get people to buy your e-product?

Tell people about your awesome e-product! Use social media, websites, and email to show people why they need it. Offer some free tips or info to show you're an expert.

Extra Tips for E-Product Success!

  • Price it Right: Charge a fair price based on how valuable your product is.
  • Bundles: Sell a few e-products together for a discount to get more sales.
  • Help People: Be there to answer questions and fix any problems. This builds trust with your customers.
  • Keep it Fresh: Update your e-products sometimes to keep them interesting.


Selling e-products is a cool way to make money doing what you love. By following these tips and listening to what your customers want, you can turn your skills and hobbies into a successful online business!

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