Best websites to find keywords for youtube

find keywords for youtube

Keywords are important words or phrases that help people find videos on YouTube. If you want more people to watch your videos, it's important to use the right keywords. Here are some websites that can help you find the best keywords for your YouTube videos:

1. Google Keyword Planner:

Google Keyword Planner helps you find keywords that people are searching for on Google and YouTube. You just need to type in a word related to your video, and it will give you a list of keywords that people are using.

2. YouTube Autocomplete:

When you start typing in the YouTube search bar, it suggests keywords based on what other people are searching for. This can give you ideas for keywords to use in your video titles and descriptions.

3. TubeBuddy:

TubeBuddy is a tool that helps YouTubers with many things, including finding keywords. It gives you suggestions for keywords and tells you how many people are searching for them.

4. VidIQ:

VidIQ is another tool that helps YouTubers. It suggests keywords for your videos and tells you how popular they are.

5. SEMrush:

SEMrush is a tool that helps with digital marketing. It can help you find keywords for your YouTube videos and tell you how many people are searching for them.

Using these websites can help you find the best keywords for your YouTube videos, which can help you get more views and grow your channel.

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