What Is Api Testing|How It Works

 API testing is a type of software testing that checks the functionality, security, performance, and reliability of an application's API. This can be done directly on the API or as part of integration testing. APIs are code that allows two software programs to exchange data, and they are typically found in the business logic layer of an application. which focuses on the appearance of an application, this testing focuses on the business logic, security, and data responses. This type of testing is often automated and used by DevOps, quality assurance, and development teams for continuous testing. It involves making requests to endpoints and comparing the responses to expected results.Tests should also be constructed to ensure users can't affect the application in unexpected ways, the API can handle the expected user load, and the API can work across multiple browsers and devices. The test should analyze the results of nonfunctional tests as well, including performance and security.

what is api testing

how to do api testing

  1. Review the API specification
  2. Determine API testing requirements
  3. Define input parameters
  4. Create positive and negative tests
  5. Select an API testing tool
  6. Test all aspects of the API
  7. Keep your tests up-to-date 

how api works

API, or Application Programming Interface, works as a mediator between different software applications, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other. Here's how it works:

  1. Request: The process starts when one software application, known as the client, sends a request to another application, called the server, through the API. This request typically includes specific instructions or data that the client wants to access or manipulate.
  2. Processing: Upon receiving the request, the API on the server side processes it based on predefined rules and functionalities. These rules determine how the request will be handled and what response will be generated.
  3. Response: After processing the request, the server sends back a response to the client through the API. This response can include the requested data, confirmation of successful execution, error messages, or any other relevant information.
  4. Data Exchange: The client application then receives the response from the server API and processes the data as needed. This may involve displaying the information to the user, performing further operations, or sending subsequent requests to the server.
  5. Security and Authentication: Many APIs require authentication to ensure secure access to data and resources. This often involves providing credentials such as API keys or tokens to authenticate the client's identity and authorize access to specific functionalities or data.

Overall APIs facilitate seamless communication and interaction between different software applications, allowing them to work together and leverage each other's capabilities without needing to understand the underlying code or implementation details APIs play a crucial role in enabling integration, automation and interoperability across diverse software systems and platforms.

types of apis

Certainly! Here are the types of APIs explained in simple terms:

  1. Open APIs (Public APIs): These are APIs that are freely available to the public. They allow developers to access certain features or data of a software application without restrictions. Open APIs are commonly used for integration with third-party services and building new applications.
  2. Internal APIs (Private APIs): These APIs are designed for internal use within a company or organization. They allow different departments or teams to communicate and share data or functionalities between their software systems. Internal APIs are not accessible to the public and are used for internal operations and processes.
  3. Partner APIs: Partner APIs are shared between trusted business partners or collaborators. They allow authorized partners to access specific features or data of a software application for collaborative purposes or joint ventures. Partner APIs are used to facilitate cooperation and integration between different organizations.

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